3 Key Elements I've Added to ALL of My Blog Posts

Blogging is super important for growing your business. It establishes an online presence in a literal way as you quietly take up more space on the internet, but it also establishes you as an expert in your field, increases your chances of being found thanks to some handy little Google rankings, and gives you more content to share on Pinterest. All of which should ultimately land you with more sales! Doesn’t that sound amazing? As a bonus: blogging might save your sanity if you tend to process through talking or writing (like me!).

I started my business through blogging many years ago (on a different blog, sadly) but fell out of the habit during the horrors of my first trimester with my son. Sleep > Blogging. BUT I started to get back into it a few months ago and I have already re-discovered so many benefits to blogging. I really wish I had not let it go for as long as I did!

Over the course of the past few months, I have adapted my strategy so that I can grow my audience, credibility and give my viewers a more user friendly experience. Here are my top 3:

Pin one of these for later:

What should you include in a blog post? Here are 3 things that I have recently added to really up my game and increase my reader interaction. #bloggingtips #blogger #howtoblog www.blusheddesign.com
What should you include in a blog post? Here are 3 things that I have recently added to really up my game and increase my reader interaction. #bloggingtips #blogger #howtoblog www.blusheddesign.com
What should you include in a blog post? Here are 3 things that I have recently added to really up my game and increase my reader interaction. #bloggingtips #blogger #howtoblog www.blusheddesign.com

1: Pin-able Images With a Call To Action

Example directly above this point!
Adding a clear call to action as well as a variety of images to choose from will drastically increase your chances of being shared. It also gives you a chance to include a variety of aesthetic images and places to stragically fill with your keywords! Can you say “SEO boost”?

This also gives me the opportunity to test out multiple graphic styles. I’m trying not to assume that I know what will be the most popular—and give my viewers a chance to show me what type of image that they prefer to Pin.
If you haven’t heard me rant about how much I adore Pinterest, then maybe you should read these next: 7 Reasons Why I broke Up With Instagram & Started Dating Pinterest and How To Use Pinterest Group Boards.

2: Direct Readers Where To Go Next

At the bottom of all of my recent blog posts (and those that I have already updated), you will find a collection of relevant blog posts that the reader may be interested in. I want them to stay on the site for a while. Again, the goal is establishing my credibility, improving my rankings with Google and Pinterest, and giving them a chance to fall in love with my brand and become a customer.
Example below

It also helps that I stick to just a few topics, so I already have a wealth of information to share even though I have only been blogging consistently for a while. Try to stick to 3 topics that you share about. For me, it’s business, weddings and artwork. You can be as broad within those subjects as you want, but start with 3 main topics.

3: Follow Up Questions or Calls to Action

Continue the conversation—bonus points if you can get them onto your newsletter!
Comments will help to boost your SEO, as well as tell Google that your site is valuable to readers. Both of which are wonderful things. These questions also give me a chance to connect with my audience and to hear what they have to add. Many times, my ideas for future blog posts come from comments that I have received! Some of the best advice I have ever received has been from readers or consistent followers who become friends! I appreciate the relationship that can be built over time through blogging, sharing experiences, laughing together or struggling through a similar frustration. But what should we say? As the host, it is my responsibility to help my readers feel comfortable and able to open up. Just like a conversation with someone in person, it’s easiest to start with a question. The rest usually flows naturally.

So, tell me… Do you blog?

If you do, what is something that you do to create a better experience for your readers?
If you don’t, what is holding you back?